FAQ - Frequently asked questions

On this page you will find a list of the most asked questions If you cannot find the answers you seek, please do not hesitate to contact us by e-mail or phone. We are ready to help.

Igloo Lodge is located close to Ilulissat. If you book a stay in Igloo Ldoge, the transport from Ilulissat to Igloo Lodge is included. 

Meeting place for departure to Igloo Lodge is at the old procurement by Spar Atersuit or by World of Greenland's office.

Children from 8 and above are welcome in Igloo Lodge. Please note, though, that we do not offer a special children's menu.

You can visit Igloo Lodge even though being a weak walker. You need to be flexible and mobile to crawl into the igloo - but if this is not for you, you are always welcome to sleep inside the cabin instead.

All stays in Igloo Lodge include the following:

Transportation from Ilulissat to Igloo Lodge and return.
Full board
Coffee and tea ad libitum

We encourage you to pack light when visiting Igloo Ldoge as the space on the is limited. Please find our packing list here

The igloos are buid with a cold trap and an isolating snow plateau. they also have wind breaking curtains.

The temperature in the igloos depend on the outside temperature. Temperature inside the igloo can vary from around 0 to -12 celcius.

Igloo Lodge opens in late January and closes in mid April.

Feburary is usually the coldest month. The sun light is slowly getting back which causes long pastel colored sunsets. A true winter experience.

In march the datys grow longer and there will be good chances to enjoy a cup of coffee in the sun. The longer we get into March, the smaller are chances to see the northern lights.

April is the end of the season. In April you can expect milder weather and bright evenings.


World of Greenland
Fredericiaip’ Aqq. 4
3952 Ilulissat

Phone: +299 944300 Email: info@wog.gl

World of Greenland
Fredericiaip’ Aqq. 4
3952 Ilulissat

Phone: +299 944300 Email: info@wog.gl


World of Greenland
Fredericiaip’ Aqq. 4
3952 Ilulissat

Phone: +299 944300
Email: info@wog.gl

Difficulty Level
1: Easy

An easy tour means that you must be able to walk a few kilometers in slightly hilly terrain. Like taking a walk on paths in the woods, with a little detour every now and then. You must also be mobile enough to be able to board a boat, even if it may sway a little.

2: Moderate

Accessible to anyone with good health, who is used to off-road walking and hiking. When it comes to sledding, we call it moderate, as you may have to get off the sled and walk / run next to it. In addition, you need to have a healthy back as there will be bumps along the way.

3: Challenging

On a challenging hike you must be able to walk up and down steep hills. You may also have to walk on loose rocks and cross streams, and walk on snow/ice. Involves hiking with a backpack. When challenging is used in connection with sledding tours, it is because we expec that you can walk / run after the sledge up hills, if this is needed. 

4: Demanding

On a demanding hike we expect you to be in good physical shape. This means that you can hike long distances, maybe during several days, and that you can climb many altimeters during the day. Eg. our hike to the Inland Ice, where 1000 altimeters and 20 km must be climbed in one day. Demanding hikes involve hiking with your own backpack.


Expedition level. Requires considerable effort and perseverance. Only suitable for people in really good physical shape.

Besøgende til Glacier Lodge Eqi

Glacier Lodge Eqi, er beliggende på fjeldet 100 m over vandet. Vi anbefaler derfor at bagage medbringes i en rygsæk, da stigningen ikke gør det muligt at medbringe en kuffert. Bemærk, at landgangen ikke er handikapvenlig. Alle vandreture i Eqi, samt vandring på egen hånd bør betragtes som fjeldture der går fra udfordrende til meget krævende.

World of Greenland
Fredericiaip’ Aqq. 4
3952 Ilulissat

Tlf: +299 94 43 00
Email: info@wog.gl