Betingelser & vilkår

It is always a good idea to read the pages that are written in small prints. The under-mentioned terms are the basis of an agreement between you as a customer, and us as a tour operator. We, therefore, hope that you will read the conditions before you book your excursions.

World of Greenland has a product insurance through IF insurance. World of Greenland only uses approved boats by the Danish Søfartsstyrelsen for passenger sailing, and only boats with valid insurances. Likewise, only helicopters with all necessary permits from ‘Statens Lufthavnsvæsen’ and compulsory insurances are used and snowcats with all necessary permits and insurances.

General information

All prices given on the web page are the true prices. The only fees added are such as the fee charged by banks for handling the transaction (see the section below regarding credit card fees). In Greenland VAT or any other taxes are not added on excursions, accommodation, or transportation.

All contracts between buyer and World of Greenland are made in either Danish or English.

The web page is continuously updated with new excursions, pictures, and news.


Activities can be booked through our booking portal or via e-mail.

Reservations are only finally confirmed once the online payment has been completed. 

We send confirmations, tickets and possibly other necessary information by e-mail. You must therefore bring these documents yourself, as documentation of your stay and excursions. Remember to read these documents before departure. They contain important information and good advice about the booked activities. 

If the names of your ticket or confirmation do not match your booking, please remember to notify us immediately.


World of Greenland reserves the right to cancel arrangements on the following conditions: too few participants, bad ice or snow-conditions, technical problems on boat, snowcat or helicopter, social tasks (such as Search & Rescue-flights, ambulance flights and in connection to a search, changes due to passenger flights), bad weather and in any situation beyond the control of World of Greenland, that will prohibit the execution of the excursion in a safe manner. It is respectively the captain of the helicopter, snowcat and boat or World of Greenland who decides if the weather permits the execution of the excursion or not. If World of Greenland cancels an excursion, because of the reasons mentioned above, the full amount paid for the excursion will be refunded to the customer, including any possible fees paid to World of Greenland.

If the customer has bought other excursions at World of Greenland and one activity influence another in the program, we will at no costs try to adjust the whole program, so everything can be done. If excursions in this connection should be canceled we also refund those, provided they are ordered through World of Greenland. World of Greenland doesn’t undertake the responsibility for other operators’ excursions if changes in the program affect these.

Shortened excursions

Excursions can, for various reasons, be shortened or changed on the way. It can be the weather, snow conditions on the trail, ice conditions, etc.

Vandreture kan ændres pga. uforudset tåge eller andet vejrlig, der ikke tillader turens fulde gennemførsel eller planlagt rute. Det er alene guiden på turen der afgør dette. Der ydes efterfølgende ingen kompensation eller erstatning for ændrede eller afkortede vandreture.

Hikes can change because of fog or other kinds of weather which don’t allow the completion of the hike or planned route. It is the guide on the hike alone who decides this. Subsequently, no compensation or refund is given for changed or shortened hikes. Helicopter and airplane trips can be changed in route and length because of unforeseen weather conditions e.g. Fog, strong wind etc. It is only the pilot who decides this. The helicopter trip can also be shortened in case of social tasks (such as Search & Rescue-flights, ambulance flights, and in connection to a search) and any situation beyond the control of World of Greenland that will prohibit the execution of the excursion in a safe manner. If the Helicopter trip has been reduced by a number of minutes, the missing/lost minutes will be refunded, if it crosses 25% of the trip’s length altogether. There is no refund for missing landing and ground stop. Boat trips can be changed in route and length depending on the weather and ice conditions. It is the captain alone who decides this. Subsequently, the lost minutes of sailing will be refunded, if this crosses 25% of the excursion altogether. There is no refund on any lacking/missing time on land.

Boat trips can change in route and length depending on weather and ice conditions. Only the ship's captain decides the route if whether to stop the tour due to weather issues. Reimbursement of lost sailing time will subsequently be refunded if this exceeds 25% of the total length of the trip. 

If you as a customer wish to cancel, change or hand over reservations

We strongly recommend you to buy a good health insurance and travel insurance so you are ensured in case you, your traveling companions, or your nearest family are getting ill, or in case of flight delays.

World of Greenland doesn’t take the responsibility for delays in the journey to Ilulissat in case of irregularity at tour operators. Should you be delayed in your journey to Ilulissat, which means you can’t participate in a bought activity, we ask you to contact World of Greenland as soon as possible. We will in every single case try to move the excursion, but there is no guaranty of this being possible. 

When the excursion is paid for and confirmed, it is not possible to cancel the ticket. The only exceptions are Force Majeure. 
COVID is not seen as Force Majeure. Are you not able to participate in a booked activity due to COVID related restrictions, it is a dispute between you and your travel insurance.

Sponsorships for the Greenlandic Children's Association are non-refundable.

Ticket required

Participation in activities isn’t possible without tickets. The ticket is personal and can not be used by others. Bring valid picture identification issued by proper authorities such as passport, driver's license, etc.

Minimum number of participants

Certain excursions have a given minimum number of participants. The given number is written in the certain excursions. We do, in few cases, exceptions and go through with fewer participants. Cancellation of excursions because of too few participants can happen up until an hour before the start of the excursion. If this should happen, we will offer something alternative. If this is not possible, we cancel and refund the excursion. In addition to this, no claim for compensation can be done against World of Greenland.

Difficulty level

World of Greenland requires that you have thoroughly read the excursion description of the ordered excursions. Including that the level of difficulty is matching your physical achievement. 


When booking an excursion at World of Greenland you provide us with your e-mail address. You yourself are responsible for informing us about possible changes to your e-mail account. 

By accepting these terms and conditions, you give World of Greenland permission to send e-mails with special offers before departure to Greenland, and also permission to send a survey after the trip. 

Right to withdraw

There is no right to withdraw from accommodation and excursions bought at World of Greenland – no matter if it is purchased using the internet, through telephone, or by personal appearance at World of Greenland. The common right to withdraw doesn’t count on e.g. arrangements on accommodation, transport, provisioning, recreational activities if it emerges on the agreement on which day or in which period the arrangement is done. Therefore withdrawals are following the mentioned cancellation rules.

Liability to pay compensation

World of Greenland disclaims any responsibility in relation to canceled trips, and compensation in relation to expected experiences. Furthermore, we also waive any liability for damages in relation to delays in excursions, which means that participants lose connection to other onward transport.

World of Greenland begrænser endvidere erstatningsansvaret for flytransporternes vedkommende til de summer, der er fastsat i Luftfartsloven af 1960 med senere ændringer. Og for søtransport i henhold til  summerne fastsat i ”søloven” og Athen konventionen vedrørende søfart.


World of Greenland’s trips and tours are primarily for those who are “active”, and risky or dangerous situations may therefore occur, either in connection with or as a consequence of a trip. Unexpected situations may occur on hiking tours; boats may capsize, snowmobiles can tip over, etc.

In each situation, World of Greenland will endeavor to exercise as much caution as possible and take all relevant safety measures. However, we emphasize that participation in our trips is the participant’s sole responsibility, and he/she thereby accepts the inherent risks. World of Greenland is not liable for any loss, damage, cost, or expense as a consequence of participation in our trips. The participant is requested to carefully evaluate the situation and back out if he/she feels unsafe.


Any complaints are to be stated during the outing so the unsatisfactory conditions/circumstances can be tried to be solved at once. They are also going to be directed to the staff of World of Greenland immediately after the ending of the tour/trip. If you can’t solve the complaint, a written complaint is to be sent no later than 3 weeks after returning from the trip. All proceedings against World of Greenland are to be brought to the municipal court of Ilulissat in accordance with the Greenlandic judicial system. Complaints should be sent to e-mail or by phone at +299 944 300. 

Price change after reservation

At World of Greenland, we have to reserve the right to after reservation, to increase the price because of changes in the conditions of purchases, cost of transport (including the price of fuel, taxes, charges or fees like airport-, landing- or take-off fees), foreign exchange quotations or other circumstances that we as organizers can not take into account beforehand.

Credit card fees/Transaction fees

For credit card purchases, the bank charges fees that we add to the price. We charge the fees applicable at any time for the card in question. As of April 2019, the fee list looked like this:

Dankort and Visa Dankort                                               2,5 DKK

Danish issued debet cart                                             1,55% af ordren + 0,19 DKK

Danish issued Mastercard and Visa                                2,00 % af ordren + 0,19 DKK

International issued debet cart                                             1,55% af ordren + 0,19 DKK

International issued Mastercard and visa                     3,99% af ordren + 0,19 DKK

Credit card fees are non-refundable if the customer chooses to cancel an excursion. If World of Greenland cancels an excursion, the fee will be refunded.


World of Greenland has compulsory product insurances. But it doesn’t cover insurance of the participant’s personal belongings. Should personal belongings be damaged or lost on the excursion it is at one’s own expense or insurance. We, therefore, recommend that you write insurance that covers these cases before leaving the native country.

Other conditions

We have done our best to avoid misprints in our catalogs, brochures, advertisements, and on our website, but of course, it could slip. Therefore we make a reservation for misprints in these printed media. Any demand against World of Greenland is to be brought to the municipal court in Ilulissat in accordance with the Greenlandic judicial system.

World of Greenland
Fredericiaip’ Aqq. 4
3952 Ilulissat

Tlf: +299 94 43 00

World of Greenland
Fredericiaip’ Aqq. 4
3952 Ilulissat

Phone: +299 944300 Email:

Difficulty Level
1: Easy

An easy tour means that you must be able to walk a few kilometers in slightly hilly terrain. Like taking a walk on paths in the woods, with a little detour every now and then. You must also be mobile enough to be able to board a boat, even if it may sway a little.

2: Moderate

Accessible to anyone with good health, who is used to off-road walking and hiking. When it comes to sledding, we call it moderate, as you may have to get off the sled and walk / run next to it. In addition, you need to have a healthy back as there will be bumps along the way.

3: Challenging

On a challenging hike you must be able to walk up and down steep hills. You may also have to walk on loose rocks and cross streams, and walk on snow/ice. Involves hiking with a backpack. When challenging is used in connection with sledding tours, it is because we expec that you can walk / run after the sledge up hills, if this is needed. 

4: Demanding

On a demanding hike we expect you to be in good physical shape. This means that you can hike long distances, maybe during several days, and that you can climb many altimeters during the day. Eg. our hike to the Inland Ice, where 1000 altimeters and 20 km must be climbed in one day. Demanding hikes involve hiking with your own backpack.


Expedition level. Requires considerable effort and perseverance. Only suitable for people in really good physical shape.

Besøgende til Glacier Lodge Eqi

Glacier Lodge Eqi, er beliggende på fjeldet 100 m over vandet. Vi anbefaler derfor at bagage medbringes i en rygsæk, da stigningen ikke gør det muligt at medbringe en kuffert. Bemærk, at landgangen ikke er handikapvenlig. Alle vandreture i Eqi, samt vandring på egen hånd bør betragtes som fjeldture der går fra udfordrende til meget krævende.

Ilimanaq Lodge

World of Greenland
Fredericiaip’ Aqq. 4
3952 Ilulissat

Phone: +299 944300