Sustainability at Ilimanaq Lodge

Sustainable holiday at Ilimanaq Lodge

Sustainability and consideration is central to us at World of Greenland. We are a Greenlandic company with a Greenlandic CVR number, and being a public company, we are ultimately owned by the people of Greenland. This means that everything we do is rooted in the local environment and aims to support and develop Greenland as a country.

The lodge is built around the settlement life and a deep connection with nature. The unique atmosphere and the way of life here give plenty of food for thought. Both for us, who over the years have noticed the significant changes in nature and the climate, and for our guests who experience the place for the first time. Reflection and contemplation come naturally in Ilimanaq, where we are detached from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

Experiencing foreign cultures and different ways of life in the distant Arctic is a dream for many, but we acknowledge that the journey here is not without environmental costs. Flights to Greenland and further transport to our lodge inevitably leave a footprint on the planet that we cannot ignore. 

Therefore, we have taken a number of steps to ensure that our lodges and your stay at Ilimanaq Lodge are as sustainable as possible and have a minimal impact on the area. 

You can read more about these steps on this page.

Let the memories live on

When you leave Ilimanaq Lodge and Greenland's magnificent nature, you don't just take unforgettable experiences home with you – you also gain a deeper understanding of the local culture, along with its fragility and beauty.

We hope that as our guest, you will let the experience settle within you. We strive to do this ourselves every day, just as we appreciate the privilege of being here in Ilimanaq, in harmony with nature, and with time for reflection. And we believe that our travel memories can have a lasting impact, not only on ourselves but also on those we share them with. By sharing our stories, we can help foster a greater understanding of why it is important to preserve places and cultures like these. Perhaps your experiences will inspire reflection on how we can all take small steps in our daily lives to live in greater harmony with nature and with each other.

Concrete measures that make a difference

Our electricity supply comes from green energy

All bungalows at Ilimanaq Lodge are equipped with solar panels. This means we produce green energy ourselves at the lodge. Our solar panels are connected to the village's generator in a collective and cooperative system. Any surplus energy from the lodge will be provided to the residents of the village.

We primarily use Greenlandic ingredients

We do this for the sake of our guests – the great taste and the story behind these unique ingredients will complete your stay. But we also choose Greenlandic ingredients as often as possible to reduce the need for transportation to the lodge and, at the same time, contribute as much as we can to local economic growth.

We have marked paths and hiking trails in the area

Greenland's nature is fragile and slow to heal, but a sustainable vacation and wild hikes can still go hand in hand. In addition to having built a nature-protecting boardwalk in the lodge area, we have marked trails and hiking routes in the surrounding nature. We strongly encourage our guests to stay on the marked paths and hiking routes – both for their own safety and to ensure that we leave as little impact on the environment as possible.

We battle waste of food

We are very mindful of the emissions involved in both sourcing ingredients for Ilimanaq and sending waste back. In a remote village like Ilimanaq, we all benefit most from focusing on community and reuse. Therefore, leftovers from the restaurant are given to the village's dogs, and products nearing their expiration date are given to the residents of the village.

We are owned by the people of Greenland

Ilimanaq Lodge and World of Greenland are owned by the Government of Greenland, and thus ultimately by the people of Greenland. We are deeply rooted in the local community, and our commitments extend beyond typical commercial goals. All our financial statements are publicly available on, and any profits are reinvested into new and exciting concepts and products designed to create reasons to visit—benefitting not only ourselves but also our colleagues in the industry and the local community.

We contribute to local economic growth

Strong partnerships are essential when it comes to tourism and its development. At World of Greenland, we are very aware that partnerships with other local companies not only contribute to unity, skills development, and local economic growth, but they also add value to our guests, who care about the impact they leave on their journey to Greenland. At Ilimanaq Lodge, we collaborate with a small, locally rooted operator who provides boat shuttles and guides our tours.

All tax is paid locally

At World of Greenland, all employees pay taxes locally - regardless of nationality and the length of their employment

We support the Greenlandic Children’s Association

World of Greenland is an ISUMASSUISOQ for the Greenlandic Children’s Association. ISUMASSUISOQ can best be translated to "one who takes responsibility for others." The purpose of this collaboration is to support the association's work in providing Greenlandic children - and thereby Greenland itself - a better future. This support includes summer camps, workshops for children and parents, cooperation on company visits and internships, and offering every child and young person a children's advocate when interacting with authorities.

Ilimanaq Lodge

World of Greenland
Fredericiaip’ Aqq. 4
3952 Ilulissat

Phone: +299 944300

World of Greenland
Fredericiaip’ Aqq. 4
3952 Ilulissat

Phone: +299 944300 Email:

Difficulty Level
1: Easy

An easy tour means that you must be able to walk a few kilometers in slightly hilly terrain. Like taking a walk on paths in the woods, with a little detour every now and then. You must also be mobile enough to be able to board a boat, even if it may sway a little.

2: Moderate

Accessible to anyone with good health, who is used to off-road walking and hiking. When it comes to sledding, we call it moderate, as you may have to get off the sled and walk / run next to it. In addition, you need to have a healthy back as there will be bumps along the way.

3: Challenging

On a challenging hike you must be able to walk up and down steep hills. You may also have to walk on loose rocks and cross streams, and walk on snow/ice. Involves hiking with a backpack. When challenging is used in connection with sledding tours, it is because we expec that you can walk / run after the sledge up hills, if this is needed. 

4: Demanding

On a demanding hike we expect you to be in good physical shape. This means that you can hike long distances, maybe during several days, and that you can climb many altimeters during the day. Eg. our hike to the Inland Ice, where 1000 altimeters and 20 km must be climbed in one day. Demanding hikes involve hiking with your own backpack.


Expedition level. Requires considerable effort and perseverance. Only suitable for people in really good physical shape.

Besøgende til Glacier Lodge Eqi

Glacier Lodge Eqi, er beliggende på fjeldet 100 m over vandet. Vi anbefaler derfor at bagage medbringes i en rygsæk, da stigningen ikke gør det muligt at medbringe en kuffert. Bemærk, at landgangen ikke er handikapvenlig. Alle vandreture i Eqi, samt vandring på egen hånd bør betragtes som fjeldture der går fra udfordrende til meget krævende.

World of Greenland
Fredericiaip’ Aqq. 4
3952 Ilulissat

Tlf: +299 94 43 00