About World of Greenland

Unique lodge accommodation and excursions in Greenland

World of Greenland is driven by delivering great experiences.We develop and operate unique lodges in the area around Disko Bay, and soon also in the Nuuk Fjord. All our lodges have in common that their magnificent location and well-considered concept merge into a higher entity that will give our visitors the exclusive and authentic experience they won't soon forget.

World of Greenland is part of Air Greenland Group and we are thereby owned by the paople of Greenland.

We are a joint stock company, founded on January 1st. 2007. Each year any profits are reinvested in new initiatives that help market Greenland as a sustainable and exciting destination on an international scale. 

We always have a watchful eye on tourism trends, and act as first movers in relation to these. Through close contact with our guests and partners, we continuously evaluate new ideas and launch flagships, which will become pioneering projects for further initiatives in Greenlandic tourism and business.

We work purposefully with Visit Greenland's national tourism strategy as a guideline, and believe that we will get the farthest through cooperation - both locally and nationally.

World of Greenland’s mission is to deliver the most exotic and unique experiences to the discerning and quality-conscious traveler, through a sustained focus on quality, accountability and sustainable development.

World of Greenland’s vision er at løfte Grønland på en bæredygtig måde gennem udvikling og partnerskaber.

World of Greenland is for you who want a little more. For you who want to experience what Greenland really has to offer. For you who dare to go off the beaten track. And not least for you who care for the imprint you make on your journey past Greenland.

Sustainable tourism development

The overall vision for members of Air Greenland Group is to lift Greenland in a sustainable way together with the local business community through development and partnerships.

World of Greenland is obliged to act upon the country's interests and contribute to promoting the development of sustainable tourism locally.

The three main focuses for sustainable local tourism development are…

Geographical spread

To work on creating a geographical spread of tourism by building Lodges. This contributes to the creation of jobs, development and economy in different parts of our country.

Season expansion

To strive to extend the tourist season by developing winter and year-round experiences. This aims to ensure year-round employment and motivate locals to engage in tourism.

Local cooperation

To prioritize collaboration with other operators to strengthen capacity and competence building locally in the tourism industry.

Sustainable lodges

Sustainability is a central part of World of Greenland's product development, and therefore it is important to minimize the environmental and climate impact in the places where we build lodges.

The 3 main focus point for sustainability in the development of lodges are…

Sustainable cabins

We mainly use renewable energy in our lodges, and build from materials that have the least possible CO2 emission and environmental impact.


We seek to minimize shipping distances by purchasing and sourcing as many local products as possible.

Waste and recycling

We recycle as much as we can in all aspects of the lodge's operation, including building materials, interiors and food.
On the separate lodge sites, you can learn more about how each individual lodge works with sustainability.

World of Greenland
Fredericiaip’ Aqq. 4
3952 Ilulissat

Tlf: +299 94 43 00
Email: info@wog.gl

World of Greenland
Fredericiaip’ Aqq. 4
3952 Ilulissat

Phone: +299 944300 Email: info@wog.gl

Difficulty Level
1: Easy

An easy tour means that you must be able to walk a few kilometers in slightly hilly terrain. Like taking a walk on paths in the woods, with a little detour every now and then. You must also be mobile enough to be able to board a boat, even if it may sway a little.

2: Moderate

Accessible to anyone with good health, who is used to off-road walking and hiking. When it comes to sledding, we call it moderate, as you may have to get off the sled and walk / run next to it. In addition, you need to have a healthy back as there will be bumps along the way.

3: Challenging

On a challenging hike you must be able to walk up and down steep hills. You may also have to walk on loose rocks and cross streams, and walk on snow/ice. Involves hiking with a backpack. When challenging is used in connection with sledding tours, it is because we expec that you can walk / run after the sledge up hills, if this is needed. 

4: Demanding

On a demanding hike we expect you to be in good physical shape. This means that you can hike long distances, maybe during several days, and that you can climb many altimeters during the day. Eg. our hike to the Inland Ice, where 1000 altimeters and 20 km must be climbed in one day. Demanding hikes involve hiking with your own backpack.


Expedition level. Requires considerable effort and perseverance. Only suitable for people in really good physical shape.

Besøgende til Glacier Lodge Eqi

Glacier Lodge Eqi, er beliggende på fjeldet 100 m over vandet. Vi anbefaler derfor at bagage medbringes i en rygsæk, da stigningen ikke gør det muligt at medbringe en kuffert. Bemærk, at landgangen ikke er handikapvenlig. Alle vandreture i Eqi, samt vandring på egen hånd bør betragtes som fjeldture der går fra udfordrende til meget krævende.


World of Greenland
Fredericiaip’ Aqq. 4
3952 Ilulissat

Phone: +299 944300
Email: info@wog.gl